Our educational workshops on European integration and the notion of border, from primary schools to higher education, offer students a collective and creative experience.
Each workshop produces a fun tool for teachers to promote European values and approach a new aspect of European heritage: its internal borders.
"I would like you to embrace the images of this project, to be ready to protect the open-mindedness of these landscapes so that we can pass on these borders of peace to future generations." Valerio Vincenzo

Valerio Vincenzo
Régine Feldgen
sans frontier
without frontiers
frontier of peace
Frontières de la Paix
Elementary schools
Fun workshops
A modular, dynamic and participatory workshop on European integration and the notion of borders.
The images by photographer Valerio Vincenzo bring a new documentary point of view and offer students an original and unconventional look at our borders of peace.
The purpose of this activity is to talk about the images, positive or negative, that children associate with the notion of border.
Middle and high-schools
Creative sessions
A free narrative workshop.
With the help of Valerio Vincenzo's photographs and a poster of the map of Europe that traces the 20,000 km of borders of the Schengen Area explored by the photographer, students will be encouraged to invent a "micro" fiction, free and spontaneous.
Objective: to show a positive image of European integration and invite participants to reflect on what a border really is, in response to current events.
Participatory approaches
The public is invited to participate by sharing on site or on social networks, with the hashtag #frontiersofpeace, his experience on the frontiers of peace with texts, photos, poems, drawings,
personal archives.
Objective: to create a database of the collective memory of the border experience with your audience (residents, students, families, artists...). A system that is part of a logic of preserving the borders of peace in Europe for future generations.