230 X 280 / 192 Pages
Publisher: Lannoo
Price : 40 €
The Borderline association was created for its interest in issues related to European integration, freedom of movement in Europe, as well as its reflections on the territory and urban planning.
The association develops an inclusive approach and involves not only local, national and European public administrations, but also local actors.
The association's activities are based on Valerio Vincenzo's photographic series "Borderline, les Frontières de la Paix". His images provide a unique documentary perspective on Europe, which is currently experiencing the most peaceful period in its history.
Since 2014, the association has been initiating numerous cultural projects and educational projects both with public and private partners. These initiatives are part of a European cooperation network aimed at promoting intercultural and intergenerational dialogue.
Since 2018 the association has been recognized as being of general interest in France.